Media Alert | New Day Proclamation | National Power Rangers Day – August 28
Announced on: Tuesday, August 14th, 2018

Source: https://nationaldaycalendar.com/
On August 28, It’s Morphin’ Time! National Power Rangers Day officially recognizes the original “teenagers with attitude” and celebrates all things Power Rangers!
In 1993, five ordinary teenagers exploded on the pop-culture scene with the launch of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Together they broke down barriers and defeated evil by demonstrating teamwork, inclusivity, and diversity to people of all ages. Today, this grand tradition continues as new Ranger teams and new generations of fans discover these essential values over and over again.
On National Power Rangers Day everyone gets to be a Power Ranger! What are your Ranger skills and abilities? Do you have super strength or enhanced memory? Maybe your talent hasn’t been discovered yet. That’s ok! No matter where you live or who you are, with discipline, mindfulness, and heart, anyone can become a Power Ranger. Ultimately, the goal is to call your friends, color coordinate and get ready to celebrate National Power Rangers Day!
Whether you are a red, yellow, pink, black, blue, green or (favorite color here) Power Ranger, on August 28th, it’s Morphin’ Time! Celebrate your passion for the Power Rangers on social media by wearing your gear and sharing your memories.
Be sure to use #NationalPowerRangersDay to get in on the fun.